C.E.A.S.E. Home Page
Clergy and Educator Abuse Survivors Empowered!

Seventh Day Adventist Resources


Women and Men Against Sexual Harassment and Other Abuses

W.A.S.H. is a dedicated ministry within the Seventh Day Adventist church that focuses on the issues of abuse and spiritual healing. W.A.S.H. was created with a three-pronged mission which is summarized here:

  1. Cultivate healing environments in the family, church and church-related workplaces of both victims and perpetrators of sexual, physical, spiritual and emotional abuse.
  2. Safeguard young people from being subjected to abuse in school, church or youth activities.
  3. Help church members and leaders stop harassment and abuse within the denomination. This involves training and utilizing the resources of experts in the field.

W.A.S.H. materials and seminars are designed to help church members and leaders better understand and deal with abuse issues; interrupt the cycle of denial and facilitate healing within the denomination; provide a forum to train pastors, teachers, church leaders, and women’s ministry coordinators to recognize symptoms of abuse, and take appropriate action; and to assist the North American Division Commission on Sexual Ethics (and other divisions) on these serious issues.

Address: 4309 Sandy Spring Road Facsimile: (301)421-4431
Burtonsville, Maryland  20866-1139 E-Mail: 74532.750@CompuServe.com
(301)384-3727 Toll Free: (800)433-WASH
Web: http://www.tagnet.org/wash/ 

Adventist Today

Selected issues in the archives of this progressive SDA publication:

Subscribe to a listserve for Seventh-day Adventists (both current and former members) who have been victims of sexual abuse. Family members of victims and significant others of victims are also welcome to join.  The goal of this listserve is to provide a forum for people to communicate openly and freely and efforts have been made to restrict perpetrators, voyeurs and others that will hinder the atmosphere of healing from participating. This listserve is intended to be a safe place to learn, share, heal and to grow. Because of the personal nature of this list, messages will not be archived so the option of reading messages at the website only is not available. Messages will be received by members as email only.   This listserve has been designed for Adventists because the Adventist community is a unique one that people within other denominations often find difficult to relate to. Additionally, a goal of the listserve is to effect change within the Adventist Community.

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AdvocateWeb - Helping Overcome Professional Exploitation