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Clergy and Educator Abuse Survivors Empowered!


SDA Leaders Designate August 31, 2002
Abuse Prevention Awareness Day

On September 26, 2001, members of the General Conference Executive Committee voted, by an action of the Annual Council, to designate the fourth Sabbath of August 2002 as Abuse Prevention Emphasis Day. break the silence.   More info...

Training Professionals

Sample Policies & Procedures

Sample policies and procedures for preventing and addressing child abuse and sexual misconduct -- one conference’s approach.

(The following materials were prepared by the Southeastern California Conference of Seventh Day Adventists and are reproduced here with permission. These materials are to be used as samples only and do not represent legal advice in any form.)

  1. Sample Policy and Purpose Statement for Volunteer Workers with Children and Youth.
  2. Sample Application for Children and Youth Volunteer Worker Position (2 pages)
  3. Sample Screening Questions
  4. Child Protection: Suggestions for Staff and Volunteers Who Work With Children and Youth
  5. Sample Reference Contact Form (2 pages)
  6. Suggested Plan: Responding to Allegations of Child Sexual Abuse.
  7. Other Resources


Policy and Purpose Statement

Leadership Profile

For Volunteer Workers with Children and Youth


The congregation and staff of the _________________ Church are committed to providing a safe environment to help children learn to love and follow Jesus Christ. At this time, the disturbing and traumatic rise and recognition of physical and sexual abuse of children has claimed the attention of our nation, our society and this church. Churches with programs for children are not insulated from those who abuse.

Therefore, the ________________ Church believe that it is vitally important to take decisive steps to ensure that the church and its programs are safe and provide a joyful experience for children and youth. The following policies have been established and reflect our commitment to provide protective care of all children when they are attending any church sponsored programs or activities.



Southeastern California Conference

  Application for Children and Youth Volunteer Worker Position 

(Name of Church)


Name _____________________________
Address _____________________________
City _____________________________ State ____
Telephone Home (___) ________    Work (___) ________
Social Security # ________________________ Other Licenses _____________________
Driver’s License ________________________ Expiration Date __________________

What type of children’s or youth work do you prefer? ________________________________
(Sabbath School teacher, VBS teacher, children’s music program, nursery, coordinator, etc.)

What time commitment can you make? ________________________________________

Are you a member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church? Yes__ No __

How long? _________   How long in this congregation? ________

Where have you attended church in the past five years? ________

What previous work have you done with youth and children? What are your gifts in this kind of work?


What training have you had for work with children? ____________________________



What non-church activities have you done involving children? __________________


List names of other members of this congregation with whom you have a relationship.


Were you ever the victim of abuse or sexual molestation as a child? Yes__  No__
(You may refuse to answer this question or may discuss your answer in confidence with the pastor rather than answering on this form. Answering yes, or leaving the question unanswered will not automatically disqualify an applicant for work with youth or children.)

Have you ever been accused of sexual misconduct with a minor? Yes__   No__

Do you have any disability that will impair your work with children?   _________________

Name of High School/ Academy __________________ Degree/Diploma  Yes__  No__
Name of College __________________ Degree/Diploma  Yes__  No__

Where are you currently employed? ___________________ Position ______________

Work Address ______________________________________________________

Previous employment (five years past to current)






Please list two references which are not former employers or relatives who know of your work with minors.

Name _________________________________  Telephone (___)__________

Address ____________________________________________________________


Name _________________________________  Telephone (___)__________

Address ____________________________________________________________


Applicant’s Statement

The information contained in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. I authorize any references or churches listed in this application to give any information that they may have regarding my character and fitness for working with children or youth. I hereby release any individual, church, or organization from any and all liability for damages which may result to me, my heirs, or family for compliance with this authorization.

Your signature on this form confirms your understanding and agreement that:

In the event allegations of criminal or sexual misconduct arise regarding your conduct while you serve in the above-described capacity (ies), the church will fully cooperate with any investigation.

I further state that I have carefully read the foregoing release and understand the contents thereof and I sign this release as my own free act. This is a legally binding agreement with I have read and understand.

_______________________      ___________
Applicant’s signature Date

Screening Staff and Volunteers Who Work With Children

The following questions may be helpful in evaluating the appropriateness of volunteers who will work with children at your church. The comments with follow each question provide reasons for the type of questions used.

1. How long have you lived in this community?

2. Why do you want to work with (Pathfinders-Youth-Children’s Church-Children’s Sabbath School)?

3. Would your experience as a child have an impact on your working with children in this position?

4. How would your current relationships with family and friends impact your work with children in this position?

5. Have you had personal experience with child abuse? (Verbal, sexual physical, religious, emotional)

6. Has an issue or suspicion ever been raised that you may have abused or molested or touched a child inappropriately? How was it resolved?


Child Protection

Suggestions for Staff and Volunteers Who Work With Children and Youth

The following guidelines are provided to create an awareness of vulnerability to civil and criminal liability as well as to instill the need to protect children.




Reference Contact Form

(for all workers with children and youth)

(Name and Address of Local Church)


Name of Volunteer __________________________  Request Date ___________


Reference Name ______________________   Telephone (___) ___________

Address _______________________________________________

The _______________________ Seventh-day Adventist Church is committed to providing a safe environment where children and youth may learn to love and follow Jesus Christ. The person named above has volunteered to work with children and/or youth and has given your name as a reference along with a release statement which appears on the reverse side of this page. We ask for your comments and opinions regarding the suitability of this person as a worker with children or youth. Please return this form in the enclosed self-addressed envelope. You may also call the pastor at ______________________

Thank you for your prompt attention to this request.



What is your relationship with the named volunteer?

__Friend __Relative __Co-worker __Employer
__Church representative __Pastor __Other

How long have you known this person? _____

Describe what kind of contact this person has had with children or youth. (i.e. parent, youth worker, teacher, etc.)





Have you been able to make direct observations of this person actually working with children or youth?

__Yes      __No

If yes, please summarize briefly your observations.











Do you know of any reason why this person would NOT be suitable for work with children or youth?

__Yes    __No

If YES, please explain and include facts and names of other persons who can confirm these facts.




Do you have any reservations about recommending this person for work with children and youth and prefer not to provide further information?

__Yes   __No

If no, please state your recommendation.






Signature_______________________   Date___________




(Photocopy of release statement below)










For office use only


Response Plan

To Allegations of Child Sexual Abuse

In the event of any allegations of child sexual abuse at church or on church related functions, the following response plan should be implemented immediately.

  1. The safety of the child and other children will be secured by relieving the accused of his or her duties.
  2. Report to Child Protective Services (CPS) immediately by telephone. File a written report within 36 hours.
  3. In the event that allegations of child sexual abuse are brought against a pastor, contact the Human Relations Department of the local conference immediately.
  4. The pastor, church representatives, administrator and/or board will take allegations seriously and show care and support to prevent further harm. Whatever pastoral resources are needed should be extended to the victim(s).
  5. The accused should be treated with dignity and support. The accused must be notified of the suspension of duties until after the investigation clears or substantiates the allegations. If the accused is a paid employee, the Human Resources Director will give specific guidance for continuance of compensation during the period of investigation. This decision will be communicated to the employee.
  6. If there are media inquiries, the pastor and/or administrator should consult with the local conference Communication Department and the Human Resources Department. Confidentiality and privacy of all involved, especially the victims and their families, must be safeguarded.
  7. All efforts to handle allegations must be documented.
  8. Any church (private) investigation is generally delayed until policy investigation is complete. Private investigation is affected by the results of police investigation. Consult with the Human Resources Director.

Other Resources


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